Who Are We?

Fetch & Stay is a Premium pet food store where customers can purchase a variety of high quality products in-store or online and receive delivery at no extra cost in 1 to 3 business days. That's right... Fetch & Stay provides FREE delivery to ALL customers who order online in Calgary, Airdrie, Okotoks, and Chestermere.

Here's just a few reasons why shopping with Fetch & Stay makes life easier, affordable, and more rewarding!

Recurring Orders!

Our subscription program works great for people with busy lives, allowing our customers to get scheduled deliveries for what they want, when they want it. That's not all, customers who subscribe are awarded up to 10% cash back on every recurring order! These points can be used in store on one-time purchases or donated to one of our partnered rescues. We even throw in the odd chance to win your subscription FREE for an entire year!

You Pick The Rescue!

Donations... "That's great and all, but the pet store I currently shop at donates as well, what makes you guys different?" Simply put, we give our customers control over which rescue they wish to support from a list of approved rescues.

Example: You adopt a dog from a local rescue, not only have you saved a life, but now you can continue to support that rescue by donating 1% of your purchase to their organization at no extra cost to you. Fetch & Stay LOVES supporting local rescues and promotes adoption whenever possible.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay connected on when our next adoption events will be. Don't forget - If you are a Fetch and Stay member with an active subscription we provide up to 10% cash back in points on every recurring delivery.

Is there a charity you'd like us to list? Let us know! We do our best to add organizations to support and partner with.

How does It work?

Using Fetch & Stay not only saves you time, but also money. Stop over paying at large big box retailers. Our service is perfect for one-time purchases, and even better for recurring subscriptions. Customers in Calgary, Airdrie, Okotoks, and Chestermere can order pet products through any smartphone or computer. Then, decide on how frequently the product gets delivered and as a bonus, receive up to 10% back!

An amazing feature Fetch & Stay customers are given is the ability to edit their subscriptions, allowing complete control over the schedule, products, frequency, and more.

What Area Do You Currently Deliver To?

We offer customers FREE delivery in Calgary, Airdrie, Okotoks, and Chestermere. Fetch & Stay tries to complete all deliveries on-time, should a delivery be delayed longer than 72 hours, customers affected will be notified immediately.

Change/Cancel My Subscription?

Great question, this feature is what sets us apart! Simply visit our website and sign in to your account. There, you will see Manage Subscription right below your name. In this window you will be able to edit, delete, schedule, skip, change order frequency, and so much more. Our customers online accounts allow direct access to previous, current, and future orders.

I Don't See My Pet's Food On Your Site?

Don't see your pet's food, toys, or litter on our site? Go to our Contact Page and fill out the requested information, list the product(s) brand, name, flavor, and one of our Fetch & Stay customer service representatives will reply back right away!

We do our best to accommodate all new product inquires if the product meets our standards in regards to nutrition, high-quality ingredients, and demand.


Should you have any questions regarding our retail location, delivery services, products we carry, subscriptions, or just want to say hi, email us directly at and one of our staff members would be more then happy to assist with any and all inquires!

Thank You! - Fetch & Stay